
1 year, 6 months ago

ESPI-BOT Now Live On Discord!

Espi-BOT has arrived on our Discord server! Various new functions are now available including linking to your in-game ESPIONAGE ID, server role selection, match pings, and posting your full in-game Profile anywhere on the server! Use the commands below to get started and look forward to more coming soon!

/link This allows you to link your in-game ESPIONAGE ID to your Discord account to take advantage of special features.

/confirm After receiving a confirmation code via e-mail during the linking process, use this command to confirm the link.

/profile After linking your in-game account, this command allows you to post your Profile from the game anywhere in the server.

/role Use this command to change your role, team, and overall color on the server.

/ping Ping other players to join a lobby via a specific lobby code. This will create an invite for other players to join using Discord as well.

/ping-on and /ping-off Use these commands to enable and disable Match Pings for yourself.

/lastmatch (Coming Soon!) Not yet featured, but will soon allow you to post the results of your last completed match on record.