
1 year, 5 months ago

Community Stats And Master Moran Reveal

The next Community Stats Update will be revealed here on the Discord server on Monday (March 13, 2023)! We have a lot happening this month, but we want to highlight some fun play data foremost.

The Latest Community Stats Update! March 13, 2023 🗓️

After thousands of matches played, we want to highlight some of the community accomplishments since our last such update in October! This will include the players who have reached certain plateaus between October and now, as well as all-time accomplishments.

These stats will be current as of March 13, so all play data as of that morning will be included.

Master Moran Costume: Full Reveal

Your best look thus far at our first Master costume, available FREE to those who have Moran at level 50, will be shown on Monday after we have reviewed the above stats!

If you would like to check out the previous update: October 26, 2022 (Previous Community Stats Update)