Major Update

1 year, 4 months ago

Balance Patch & AI Update Now Live! Plus More Announcements!

This update changes Ruiko's 2nd Special Ability Survival Bias :

At the cost of increasing your Suspicion by 50%, choose a secret target who can be prevented from being targeted by an Action Phase ability before the next round. If targeted again, no protection is offered whether the original usage was successful or not.

An important AI UPDATE is also now live!

We have improved the AI for all roles in a major way, we believe, but specifically for the Supporter. Please share any feedback you may have about this change.

Role Abilities are on the way!

The Supporter, Informant and Civilians will soon all have Action Phase abilities just like the Spy and Detective! These will be added in the next major update.

New Costumes For Summer!

Larcenist Milla — June 30, 2023 with three colors available

Summertide Seward — In July, the game's most-anticipated costume yet arrives

[New Mode: TEAM ESPIONAGE] — Playtesting Opening Soon!

Before its proper release, we will be inviting everyone to playtest this new mode together. This plays like an entirely new game with all-new UI elements and intricacies, so any and all help will be appreciated! Exact playtesting timing will be announced in the coming weeks, as soon as we are ready!

[Voice Over Add-On Pack] — Preview & More Details Coming!

The first preview of our robust Voice Over Add-On Pack will be unveiled soon. This pack will be available on all platforms and includes over 1,000 voiced lines with every character covered equally. We decided to put our absolute best into this project and hope that it will be an exciting addition when released in the coming months.

"ESPIONAGE: Year One" Stats Project!

To commemorate the first year of the game's release in August, we will be including a Stats Update viewable within the game—forever! This data will be collected on the day of the anniversary (August 12, 2023), so you have until then to make your mark.

Here are some of the statistics we will be tracking, for which you can be listed in-game: Most Matches Played as Each Character Special Ability Accuracy and Performance Data Highest Player Levels Suspicion Actions Accuracy Trust Actions Accuracy Spy Escape Performance General Character Data General Special Abilities Data ...and more!