Major Update

1 year, 2 months ago

2nd Special Abilities Are NOW LIVE!

Available on Steam, iOS devices, and Android, every character now has the option to use an all-new Special Ability! In each match, it's up to you to decide which of your abilities to use — but choose wisely!

This update also features the first of our major UI updates, with new art and additions throughout the game. Additionally, various AI improvements have been made as well.


Decrease own AP Limit by 30 to re-use a Special Ability already used by another player with the exception of Persuasion.

Survival Bias

Decrease own AP Limit by 30 to disable a secret target’s Action Phase abilities leading into the next round.


Decrease own AP Limit by 40 to force a target to use or re-use a Special Ability during their next turn at the cost of all of their Current AP, without counting as their normal usage of a Special Ability.

Finishing Touch

Choose a target who is awarded a bonus turn at the end of the current round. Bonus turns are exempt from being canceled by any other effect.

Stolen Agenda

At the cost of 40 from your AP Limit, choose a target whose current Trust with you is swapped with the target’s current Suspicion.


Set own Suspicion to 50% and a target’s Suspicion to 50%, while clearing the Suspicion of all other players.

Forged Will

Choose a player as a secret target. This target’s next Suspicion or Trust action in the match will be reversed without an announcement to other players.

Wounded Heart

At the cost of 40 from your AP Limit, choose two targets whose Suspicion will be swapped with the other.

Jury Duty

For a target’s next turn, any action that increases or decreases Trust and Suspicion will be doubled, including all Special Abilities with the exception of Group Therapy.

True Conviction

Raises your Current and Max AP to 200 until your next turn, but that next turn is canceled and all AP values then return to normal.