
2 months ago

Weekly Progress Report! — June 17th, 2024

Website Update

  • We have been working on major website updates for a while. The new website will feature:
  • A Costumes gallery with additional information on each, including release date and the date at which each is situated in the timeline
  • A News archive that will mirror all updates thus far
  • Community translations of Manga chapters
  • A general design overhaul and additional features

Game Features In Progress This Week

  • A new Match Modifier, Special Abilities Draft, is currently in the works:
  • With this set to ON, each match will begin with a draft of Special Abilities . In reverse Turn Order, each player goes one-by-one choosing Special Abilities gathered from the characters brought into that match, until none remain.
  • Additionally, there is no limit on which type of ability you can choose: a player can have two 2nd Special Abilities such as Stolen Agenda and Forged Will or even two 1st Special Abilities!
  • This modifier will be available on both Espionage and Team Espionage.
  • We will test a preliminary version of this with Cutting Edge beta players this summer.
  • Another new Match Modifier, Progressive Civilian Intel, is also in the works:
  • When set to ON, the Intel of Civilians is not automatically available from the start. While this could change form, it currently works as described below.
  • During Round 1, Civilians have both names on their own Intel lists hidden temporarily.
  • During Round 2, Civilians can now see the first name on their own Intel list.
  • During Round 3, Civilians can now see both names on their own Intel list.
  • Note all Intel gathered by reaching full Trust is still viewable as normal, during any round and for any role.
  • We have tested early versions of this feature and found it fun, though we will be playtesting it with the community to gather feedback before it reaches the live game. If this proves popular and maintains balance, while building excitement for gameplay in general, we could make it a default setting. Of course, if it proves unpopular, it could change entirely or not make it to the final game purely depending on how players feel about it.